Below are links to commonly used forms for students. If you have trouble finding a form or have any questions, please e-mail
Commonly Used Forms
General Forms
- Accommodations Request Form*: General form for students requesting accommodations for the first time.
- Accommodate Portal*: For students who have existing accommodations who want to renew their accommodations, deliver letters to faculty, or book a testing room.
- Academic Accommodations Form*: Provider documentation form for students with mental health conditions, ADHD, ASD, and other similar diagnoses requesting accommodations.
- Local 33 Student Employee Accommodations Request Form: For active members of the Local 33 labor union (graduate students who are required to hold a research lab or teaching role).
- Healthcare Provider/Specialist Form: For healthcare providers of Graduate and Professional students who are research and teaching fellows.
- Chronic Health Condition Form: For students with a chronic health condition(s) requesting accommodations.
Residential Accommodations
- Housing Accommodation Form*: General form for students requesting housing accommodations.
- Emotional Support Animal Request Form*: To request an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) in Yale housing to alleviate one or more identified symptoms or effects of their disability.
Assistive Technology Services
- Assistive Technology Training Scheduling: For students with approved accommodations to sign up for training sessions.
- Alternative Format Materials Request Form: For students who are approved to receive accessible course materials.
- Access Communication (ASL/CART) Request Form: For students who are approved for accommodations related to hearing or communication disabilities.
* Forms marked by an asterisk can be accessed when you log in to your Yale account. If you have trouble accessing these forms, please reach out to