About Student Accessibility Services
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) works with all Yale students with disabilities, including those in Yale College, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and all Professional Schools to determine and provide appropriate accommodations and auxiliary aids and services through an interactive process. In line with our Mission, Vision, and Values, SAS collaborates with offices and resources across the Yale community to pursue equitable access to education and student life.

Accommodations may be provided in the form of academic adjustments, housing, exams, food and dining accommodations, and more. Learn about these options here.
Alternate Format Materials
We can provide curricular material including textbooks in alternative formats such as PDF files, audio files, and Braille for ease-of-use with screen readers.
Assistive Technologies
A variety of assistive technologies are available for loan from SAS, including notetaking apps and text-to-speech support.
Residential Accommodations
Information on housing accommodations and accommodations for food allergies and dietary restrictions.
Need an Accommodation?
SAS engages in an interactive process with each student to determine appropriate accommodations.
Upcoming Events
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