How to Renew an Existing Request

Have you used accommodations before at Yale and want to renew an existing request?

  1. Visit the Accommodate Portal.
  2. Click on Student and log-in with Yale Net ID and password.

    After log-in, the home screen appears:

Screenshot of Accommodate website homepage.

Navigation Tabs are at top left of the page; most used:

  • Home tab: returns to Home page from any page
  • Accommodation tab: information relating to your accommodations (requests, letters, etc.)
  • Appointment tab: schedule or view appointments with the SAS Office

There is also the Accessibility Mode, which can be found at the top right corner by clicking your initials.

Screenshot of Accommodate website.
  1. Click on the Accommodation tab to expand it, and then choose Accommodation Renewal in the menu. Locate the appropriate semester in the dropdown menu and click Apply Search.
Screenshot of Accommodate website, with "Accommodation Renewal" marked.
  1. Your approved accommodations appear once Semester is selected and the Apply Search/Add New buttons are clicked. Click Review the Renewal.
Screenshot of Accommodate website, with "Review the Renewal" marked.
  1. Review accommodations per class. Choose which class will receive which accommodation. Then, click Submit at the bottom of the page. Note: not all accommodations are appropriate for all classes.
Screenshot of Accommodate website.
  1. Accommodations will show as pending while awaiting confirmation from SAS. Once submitted, the SAS Office will review your request and approve your accommodations, after which, they will show as approved:
Screenshot of Accommodate website.